Welcome to Stand and Deliver, a unique and entertaining game created for Ludum Dare 53! Put on your comedian hat and take center stage as you embark on your first big improv show in this exciting and humorous adventure.

In this game, you’ll be challenged to perform improv scenes based on prompts provided to you. Get ready to think on your feet and showcase your comedic talent, as you type out your actions and dialogue in response to each scene. Don’t fret, you won’t be going solo! You’ll have a supporting actor, powered by cutting-edge AI, to help you bring your scenes to life.

As you perform, keep an eye on the audience’s reaction to gauge how well your jokes are landing. But that’s not all – your performance will also be reviewed and scored by an AI-driven critic. Be warned, they can be brutally honest!


  • Play as an improv comic with unique prompts for each scene
  • Engage with an AI-powered supporting actor for dynamic and unscripted performances
  • Witness the crowd’s reaction to your jokes in real-time
  • Receive detailed performance reviews from an AI critic who’s not afraid to tell it like it is
  • A truly interactive and immersive comedy experience

Are you ready to Stand and Deliver laughs to the audience? Step into the spotlight and see if you have what it takes to become the next big name in comedy!

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